
(916) 717-8960


Available by appointment only

4349 Grafton Circle, Mather, CA 95655

Nick’s Dragon Detail

Nick’s Dragon Detail’s goal is to make your car look like it did on the showroom floor

Hello and welcome to Nick’s Dragon Detail. My purpose when you visit this site is to describe the Detailing services I specialize in and why,

“Because I work on family cars, not Ferrari’s, etc.
So, I built my business model to support my neighborhood families and their budgets.”

So, that’s why I wanted to define what the term “Polish” really means to everybody versus what the Professional Auto/Body and Detail world defines it as. What I hear from most people is that “A polish will make my car shine and it only takes an hour or so”. So, first off your typical polish is the last stage of buffing to finish your paint after it’s had 1 to 3 Stages of buffing with different levels of machine compounding. A “polish” is designed for paint in good condition that’s already smooth and shiny, but the owner wants it back to the original high gloss. For the most part, cars over two or three years old that haven’t been polished regularly need one or more levels of a compounding (paint restoration).

Machine Compounding is what removes paint defects like swirls, light scratches, hazing, fading, oxidation, and water spots. A Paint restoration brings back that showroom level of shine and clarity.

So, I’ll describe the four different levels of Polishing below because that’s when my Detailing service menu will make a lot more sense to you of why I do what I do.

Let’s start with an overview of MY three Essential Detailing services and they are;

Blue Dragon

Interior Detail

Typically $180 – $300. Based on size and Condition. Sedan 180-250, SUV 225-300,
Wash, polish and wax $100-$150

Red Dragon


Compounding, is the next level after polishing. Typically $220 to $420, Level 1 or 2, size dependent. Additional $$ for level 3 heavy water spots, oxidation

Purple Dragon

Ceramic Coatings – Multi-year high grade level ceramics

$775 to $1,400, depending on the ‘coating” selected and size of car or truck.

About half of my clients, get the Interior and Exterior detail at the same time and that’s typically about $250 to $450.

The other half adds the Ceramic Coating, commonly called, the “Purple Dragon,” to their detail.

So, let’s get started.

Nick’s Blue Dragon*
7-10 hrs

$180 – $300

Depending on car size and condition.

Introduction to the Complete Interior detail, “The BLUE Dragon”, it’s not just a vacuum and wipe down; it’s a FULL detail using every technique and skill I’ve learned from decades of detailing, to clean and detail dress your car to the max in 8-12 hours, which will give you a lot of detailing, and pride in your car.  I tell people if they fall into that category 😊. I literally put in twice the time allocated to clean a car than most other detailers for the same price. Typical interior details range from $180 – $300, based on what my wife calls “Kyle’s brute labor” and I call “intensive finesse.” I use the best and safest chemicals for interiors, they may cost more, but for me the protection of your interior is paramount. A lot of chemicals can clean faster but in the long run they are very harmful to your leather and upholstery. My equipment is state of the art and everything is priced based on the size of your car/SUV/PU.

Add a wash, Polish and 3-12 months paint protection for $100-$175

  • Actual Price will be determined once the car is evaluated.
  • *Pet hair throughout the car, sand or heavily soiled vehicles are an additional cost. I have
    to see to believe and price accordingly.
  • Vacuum, Vacuum and pre-treat with Enzymes and soaps, Cleaners, and disinfectants, as well as
    drill and hand brush for agitation, shampoo, and  steam extraction for carpets, mats, and upholstery.
  • Leather is cleaned, then shampooed with special leather soap and conditioners, then lightly scrubbed, steamed, and finally protected and conditioned.
  • Interior glass cleaned
    • Some headliners are prone to delaminating from cleaning.  I gently clean but some stains may remain. It is on a case-by-case basis what I decide to tackle.
    • Dash, door panels, console are cleaned with water-based chemicals with brushes, then dressed and protected with UV treatment.
    • Dash, consoles and vinyl are dusted, cleaned, steamed (if needed) and protected.  
  • OPTIONAL – Interior Protection Options: (+$50 upholstery-$75 Leather)
    • All carpets, mats, and upholstery are treated with a Fabric Coating to resist stains and liquids as well as UV protection.
    • Leather is protected with Leather Ceramic Coating.

Nick’s Dragon Fire Exterior*
8-18 hrs

Level 1
typical client

$220 – $320

Level 2
typical client

$420 – $620

*Level 2 requires an evaluation because the paint problems are usually, Heavy Oxidation/ Fading/ Water Spots or Scratching that requires Wet Sanding.

  • Paint Decontamination takes three steps, Clay-Bar, a Mineral Deposit and an Iron Deposit wash prior to compounding.
  • Paint Restoration goal: To remove a very high percentage of the swirls, water spots, oxidation & hazing, to bring back the GLOSS and Clarity of your paint.
  • Then detailing the exterior, tires, wheels, windows, plastics and trim, etc., this is a detail after all.

Exterior detail, “The Red FIRE Dragon” has Level 1 and Level 2 to meet your needs to bring your paint back to what you remember from the Show Room, understanding of course, that some of your car’s life experiences will still be there, but oh, will it look good!

Level 1

  • Level 1 is the “Paint Enhancement” and combines a Stage 2 and 3 correction to deep clean the paint and remove a high percentage of swirls and light scratches, to dramatically increase the gloss and clarity. It also adds a level of ceramic protection that can typically last up to 3-6 months.  It’s designed for cars with relatively good paint; i.e. paint that looks as if it was only a year or two old with minor defects that was garaged since you owned the car.  A car should get this service once every few years. $220 – $315 depending on size of vehicle.
    • Paint receives a two-stage polish to deep clean the paint, increase gloss and reduce swirls, and then the finishing stage for that brilliance in gloss and clarity. 
    • Tires, and wheels cleaned, tires dressed.
    • Engine compartment top surfaces cleaned, dried, and dressed with PS Engine Dynamic Concentrated Hyper dressing for protection.
    • Exterior glass is cleaned with cleaner polish, and protected with Rain-X.
    • Black textured plastics are treated with a restoring protectant.
    • If your paint needs additional attention please see Fire Dragon – Multi-Stage Paint Restoration/Correction Service

Level 2

  • Level 2 is “The Multistage Paint Correction or Restoration” for cars typically 4 years and older with paint defects such as Fading, Hard Water Spots, Oxidation, Light to medium Scratches, Swirl marks from Car Washes, Hazing, Marring, lack of clarity, or the finish feels rough like sandpaper, spores and their stains, bird droppings, acid from bug splatter, and the list goes on and on.  These defects are taken care of by a Stage 1, 2 and 3 with Cutting compounds and pads and finished with a polish to give the final Jewel like appearance.  A Multistage restoration brings back the closest we will ever be to the original finish in Clarity and Gloss. Pretty incredible. 
  • So, what are the four types of POLISHING that makes Paint Corrections or Restorations different than what you thought a polish was?  Good question so let’s see what they can and cannot do.
  • The four levels are “Polishing”, and then the real meaning of polishing which is Paint Correction or Restoration, identified as Stage 1, Stage 2 and Stage 3.
    • Polish, usually has zero or minimal abrasives and is a “Cleaner” wax that increases the shine and gloss but is not designed to remove paint defects to any real extent; 2-3 hours.
    • Stage 1 the most aggressive polishing uses cutting compounds (6-8 hrs), to remove the worst of the paint defects, i.e. Fading, Hard Water Spots, Oxidation, light to medium Scratches, and Swirl marks from Car Washes.
    • Stage 2 (2-6 hrs) is the middle range of compounding and continues where stage 1 left off to prepare for Stage 3. It reduces light Swirls, Scratches, Hazing, or Marring.  It’s designed to improve clarity and gloss. It will make it look better; and when you add Stage 3, the paint can look fabulous.
    • Stage 3 (2-6 hours) is the finishing stage where stage 2 left off and is designed to finish the paint like glass with High Gloss and Clarity.
  • Each level of Polishing takes a different amount of Buffing hours with pads and compound designed for cutting light to heavy defects; it’s work that I love.  Stage one typically takes 6-8 hours, whereas a Stage 2 and Stage 3 could add another 6-10 hours depending on defect levels.

Nick’s Purple Dragon

Titanium Ceramic Coatings

Coating prices listed are only for cars getting the Fire Dragon paint Level I or II, depending on the coating selected.

Multi-year coatings come in three different grades of durability.

$775 – $1,400

Ceramic Coatings, “The Diamond Dragon”. Most people have heard ceramic coatings described as either a ‘Diamond’ or ‘Glass’ coating, which is very accurate. The reasons are straight forward because Coatings DO live up to their expectations in five unique areas, durability, UV protection, High Gloss, a hard-shell finish, chemical protection for the paint, and the ease of washing your car are simply beyond belief.

Most of my clients when they see their car for the first time after it’s been coated have a renewed appreciation about taking care of their car, because it just looks so good and they want to keep their car looking great.

As a certified professional installer, I use what I consider to be the best professional coatings available on the market today. Most DIY coatings last less than 6-18 months, whereas most professional coatings, depending on the grade of the ceramic can last significantly longer. How long your coating last is dependent on numerous factors, is it garaged, a daily driver, is it kept outside and especially the degree to which they are maintained by the owner. Most warrantied products require the professional to maintain it quarterly to keep the warranty valid. My top product is one of only a few products that offers both hydrophobic and oleo protection (it protects the paint from oil and carbon-based products) and has a chemical resistance that is unmatched in the market today. The reason why I chose to represent this company was because the data showed this product outlasted the top ten Ceramics on the market today.

Coatings require quarterly maintenance for warranty.

  • Textured plastic trim Cera-Kote Ceramic Coating (+$50 and up)
  • Headlight Restoration (+$65 and up)
  • Engine Bay detail (+$55 and up)
  • Glass Polishing (+$125 and up)
  • Excessive or very hard Water Spot or oxidation removal or clear coat scratches that need sanding (each start at $100-$150 and up)

Black Dragon – Coating Maintenance

  1. Apply a Ceramic Spray at least once every 8 weeks.  Griot’s Ceramic 3 n 1 Wax, or Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions Si02 spray, or TLC2 (The Last Coat), these are all good examples.  
  2. Wash the car at least once a month (see below).  
  3. There are two suggested ways to wash a car.  
    1. Touchless (preferred)
    2. Contact
  4. The Traditional wash method is called a “Contact” wash, because your method of removing the dirt off the car requires physical “contact” with the paint. 
    1. Use a wash mitt and fill a 3-5 gallon bucket with a good car soap and water.  Turtle Wax Hybrid Solutions PRO Slick-N-Slide Pure Wash” is a phenomenal contact wash soap, super slick to protect your paint.
    2. Then rinse and dry with a towel.
  5. Your goal is to avoid “Contact” washes, whether it’s a drive through or the at home contact wash. Use them only when your car really needs it. Like they say the only time you’ll scratch your paint, is when you wash it.
    1. All drive through car washes (Whether touchless or with brushes) remove a microscopic amount of your coating or paint. Brush, mitt, Towel, etc., is a contact wash and are abrasive to some microscopic degree. Even the soaps at drive through car washes use acids, either high PH caustic or low PH corrosive, with PH levels typically ranging from 3-5 or 10-14. Acids also will slowly remove coatings and paint to some degree. The more you can avoid drive through car washes and contact washes the better.
  6. The “Preferred” wash method is known as a “Touchless” hand wash; the safest and best. It’s done using a snow foam cannon with a pressure washer (1100 to 1800 PSI). Then dry using a Leaf blower   (450 CFM or greater).  And the best system in the business in my opinion, is from Griot’s Garage BOSS Foaming System (shown above). https://www.griotsgarage.com/boss-foaming-system-complete-kit/ and watch the video.
    1. https://www.griotsgarage.com/boss-foaming-system-complete-kit/
    2. Watch the video on the system that is at this link.  It will show you how to use the system.
  7.  The FIRST Method
    1. Is the touchless “maintenance” wash which is only used when the car is slightly dirty or dusty.
    2. Use the Griot’s “Surface WASH”, which is the white soap. Rinse thoroughly and then blow dry.
    3. This type of car wash is a true “Touchless” wash. PH neutral soap, and no physical contact with the paint.
    4. You can use this car Surface WASH method as often as you want. It the car is a little dirty, just repeat the Surface WASH foam a second time.
  8. The SECOND Method
    1. Is a “Contact” wash for a dirty car with road grime, mud, road salt etc.
    2. Use all three Groit’s products above; 1- Surface PREP foam, 2-Surface WASH foam, 3-Poly Gloss foam. And in the case of a really dirty car you will also use the Contact Wash method with a Mitt and bucket after rinsing off the second foam, the White Surface Wash foam.

Directions for using the Whole Griot’s system and maybe a CONTACT Wash.

  1. Surface Prep FOAM”. Foam on Griot’s Orange “Surface Prep” on a dry car, let it dwell for 2-3 minutes, unless it’s really dirty, then let it dwell for 5-7 min if possible. NOT in the SUN.
    1. One PRO tip. At the 4-minute point, use your PW’s 45-degree tip that you use for rinsing, but instead of rinsing off the soap, hold the tip of the PW about three feet away from the paint, so that the water pressure is more like a fog when it hits the car. The purpose is to re-wet the foam, not to wash it off to increase the dwell time and the effectiveness of the cleaning soap. If you re-wet it with a light mist, then it can continue to dwell on your car and delay the drying. If the weather is cool and the car is in the shade, then typically you will not need to mist the foam. But it is a good technique to use when you’re letting a foam DWELL longer than normal for better cleaning.
  2. Rinse.
  3. Do NOT dry the car, just leave it wet and change to the next Snow foam in your Canon.
  4. Surface Wash” Griot’s white foam with a fantastic aroma, coconut Piña colada. Foam it on and let it dwell for 3-5 minutes before rinsing.
    1. After rinsing, take a look at the rocker panels and see it the car’s road grime has been removed. If it has then move on to the final step.
    2. If not, then it‘s time for a “Contact” wash. Use your soap bucket and wash mitt to hand wash the car. Remember to wipe, not scrub your paint with the mitt.
  5. RINSE again, thoroughly.
  6. “Poly Gloss” Foam it on, for the final foam that leaves your car sparkling and smooth.
  7. Rinse off after 30-60 seconds and then Blow DRY with a leaf blower to get the bulk of the water off.
    1. Then use a towel for a final wipe down and buff. Now you are done, and your car will shine like crazy and have a super velvety feel like finish.
    2. Poly Gloss usually lasts about 2 weeks.
  8. My recommended wash schedule:
  9. USE the FIRST Method
    1. the touchless “maintenance” as often as you want. ITS TOUCHLESS!
    2. Only use a Contact wash with the BOSS system when the car is actually dirty. Our goal is to protect the coating and paint. That means the fewer contact washes you have the better it is for your paint. Use only when necessary.

Pressure washer -if you don’t have one, I recommend the one below from Home Depot. It can easily be carried by hand it is so light and small with a 20’ hose and spray gun, all it needs now is your Griot’s Foam cannon to dispense the soap for you. Very good unit. Typically, it goes on sale for between 89-99 dollars.

  1. This unit comes complete with 20” hose and gun. It has plenty of power for washing a car when using a “Snow Cannon” as pictured above in the Griot’s picture.



I only use Professional grade products, materials and machines made especially for automotive detailers. These top shelf products help me make your car look as close to new again as possible, both inside and out. My specialty is not only “doing an incredible job” on your car but also doing much more than your typical detailer does for the same price they charge.

Nick’s Dragon Detailing is more than a job to me, it is helping people get excited about their cars again. I want the same smile on my client’s face that my son used to have when we would finish detailing his Dragon golf cart.

My base of operations is in Mather, CA. I am certified through all ten knowledge exams and skills level testing and experience from the International Detailing Association (IDA) as a Certified Detailer. They are the only governing body that certifies detailers;
Nick’s Dragon Detailing is licensed in Sacramento County and is bonded and insured. 

Only The Best Products

Before & After

GMC Yukon
Ceramic Coating



Honda Civic


I would like to highly add a very strong recommendation for Nicks Dragon Detail in Mather! The owner, Kyle, was recommended by someone on Nextdoor who had heard of this business but not had the opportunity to use them. Well, my husband and I took our Tesla and Van to Kyle, and we could not have been more pleased with the outcome. A beautiful job! Bust most important, Kyle possesses the expertise and knowledge after many years in the business, and absolutely loves what he does! Honestly, I wish I had 10 cars to take to him!

Li Re

Comstock Village

Kyle in Mather does full service professional auto detailing in Mather. He did a fantastic job on my 2007 Toyota Camry!!

Henry Russell

Stone Creek

Nick’s Dragon Detailing. I took my car to Kyle and he was the best! His attention to detail is phenomenal. He went above and beyond my expectations as he doesn’t do anything halfway (used to be a military guy). I have never seen my car so shiny nor it smell so good! He had his work cut out for him, but he was able to get the water spots, stains, sand, AND dog hair out of my car. He even treated my mats so they are easier to clean now. I feel I am driving a brand new car. He is seriously the nicest guy. Just book with him, you won’t regret it.

Heather Chantry


I have to agree with Heather, Kyle and Nick’s Dragon Detail did a magnificent job. When I took a 2006 Ram 2500 Mega cab into Kyle for its first detail ever. When he was done it looked brand new. I know he put a lot of time into this because when he was done even the floor mats looked new. I didn’t even know the Ram logo was white. The truck was being traded in and the dealership which took it was amazed at how clean it was. Even the motor had been detailed with an amazing outcome. He did a polish and compound on the outside that was so smooth even dust could hardly stick. He did keep it over night and it took him 2 days to clean that truck and polish it. Inside and out. He was very reasonable. Price depends on work needed to be done. I really thought I under paid for what I had done. I left a good tip.  With my new truck I will be going back to get the ceramic coating which is even better. Can’t wait to schedule. If your car or truck is looking a little shabby. Go see Kyle.  You won’t be disappointed.

Scott Sample


You ever look at something and think “yeah there is no hope left” ? Well that’s how I felt looking at my car seats and the interior of my car after years of taking it on trips, and using it daily as a work car.. Turns out there was hope., After seeing NicksDragonDetail being recommended numerous times on Nextdoor, I decided to give him a call. And let me tell ya’ll, the man is a legend. He got stains out of my seats, that I thought for sure would never come out. If ya’ll thinking about getting your car detailed, quit thinking and start calling. I attached photos of the work done. Also he is such a nice person to talk with. A gem of a human honestly.

Julie Noga


Just want to say what an AMAZING job Kyle did with my car. His love for cars shined through as he made mine a true showroom piece. His knowledge for the detail process truly shows with each step he took. He cares about the work he does and the end result for his clients. If you need a car detailed look no further his work speaks for itself.

Mirela Pervan


Auto Detailing. I was researching where I could get my dog/grandkids/coffee stained Truck detailed and I saw all the amazing reviews for Kyle at https://nicksdragondetail.com 916-717-8960 , so I thought I’d give him a try since he lives in Mather, I left Tetanus the Truck with Kyle and yes, it took hours to detail but when he was finished it looked brand new! all those reviews on NextDoor were spot on! Kyle takes such pride in his work and it reflects on the outcome the job!, I couldn’t happier!

Nicks Dragon Detailing! This man does amazing work! He did an amazing job detailing my sons car. He got the scratches out of the pain, and the stains out of the fabric. It even smells brand new! The 5-year-old car seems like new. He even cleaned the engine and trunk. Thank you again!


Kavala Ranch

Just got my truck back from Nick’s Dragon Detail!  I’m a hard working man who neglected to clean my truck.  It’s now insanely clean from the inside to the outside!! Last time it looked this good is when I drove it off the showroom floor. Thanks Kyle!


Vaudrin, Anatolia

Kyle detailed two cars, a Tesla and a Ford truck, and did an absolutely amazing job. He is also a preferred Tesla detailer and knew all about products to use specifically for Teslas. Both cars are perfect inside and out, and look brand new. We are so thrilled and can’t recommend highly enough! We will definitely be back!

Eunie Linden


Here is his website, to see the amazing work he has done. A true professional. He loves what he does and enjoys sharing his knowledge with others.

Jim & Cassandra Bryson


Kyle at Nick’s Dragon Detail located in Mather made my 3-year old car look like it just came off the sales lot. Happy happy happy! I had the interior done (Blue Dragon package) and plan on taking the car back to get the outside detailed as well. He’s got top-of-the line equipment and cleaning products and even offers door-to-door service which made it very convenient. Kyle knows his stuff and will happily explain what he does and why he does it, is very reasonably priced, really enjoys what he does, and takes pride in his work. I highly recommend Nick’s Dragon Detail to make your car look new again! You can contact him at (916) 717-8960.



Auto Detailing – This is the guy to call!
Holly smokes! I saw a recommendation on here a couple of days ago and already got my car cleaned, inside and out. I emailed Kyle in the evening, and had an appointment with him the next day. He kept the car over night, as there was a lot of work to be done! I’m returning my leased car after 4 years with it. It has lived through my 2 kids, and never been detailed before. And let me tell you….. Kyle is a magician! He even got the fruit punch out of the back seat! It is clear that he absolutely loves doing this. His prices are definitely reasonable, especially considering how much care he puts into his work. Honestly, I feel like he did way more than he charged me for. If I can get time to return this car in the next day or two, the dealership will be able to turn around and sell it as a used car that same day. It’s THAT clean! I’ll be taking my next car to him for regular cleaning, guaranteed!

Amanda August


There was a whole process he went through to get it to look so good. Also took the haze off the headlights, did interior cleaning. Because it looks so good, if it wasn’t for the fact that we want a different car, we would keep this one. It was my son’s car before he went in the Army last year. Also, because of the thoroughness of the work we gave him a very good tip as well. Bonus… the finish he puts on makes keeping the car cleaner easier. You won’t be disappointed!

A Neighbor

Grafton Circle

He detailed my Highlander!! Fabulous job!! Kyle is the most meticulous detailer and does wonderful work!! Restored my car to its original shine. Strongly recommended. You want your car detailed, look no further!!

Chris Pereira


Car Care – Detail Inside & Out. I’m writing this post as I’ve had a great experience with a service provider and want others to have opportunity to have the same. Honestly I’m hesitant to say anything as it’s one of those things when you find someone that is an expert in their field clearly has a passion for their work and is a perfectionist, you kind of want to keep to yourself.  Well Kyle with Nicks Dragon Detail is just that! https://nicksdragondetail.com/  to make even better he’s a neighbor right here in Mather!
Over the years I’ve had many people wash, wax my vehicles but never have I encountered someone with the passion and expertise Kyle has and the outcome shows all those elements.  Kyle’s work supersedes that of anyone I’ve encountered and he is ultra reasonably priced and provides you with rationale for his prescribed treatment after the initial assessment and when the works complete he takes the time to help you understand how to maintain.   I could go on and on.  Bottom line if you want a great priced car care experience like none other go to Nicks Dragon Detail.  I had a full interior and exterior care and ceramic coating placed on a 2000 Tacoma, Black in color… I’m 2 weeks out and it’s still beautiful with no swirls water spots anything.  I’ve several more vehicles waiting their.  turn to visit the “spa”.

Randy Williams


Nicks Dragon Detailing. Just want to say what an AMAZING job Kyle did with my car. His love for cars shined through as he made mine a true showroom piece. His knowledge for the detail process truly shows with each step he took. He cares about the work he does and the end result for his clients. If you need a car detailed look no further his work speaks for itself.

This is a solid, friendly business doing solid, admirable work. I’m happy to recommend him to friends, family, and in this case, neighbors.

David Humphrey

Rancho Cordova

If you’re looking to have your car detailed I highly recommend Kyle Marx! I was hesitant about having the Shelby detailed because it was my dads but after meeting with Kyle to go over the process I knew that it would be in the right hands.

Not only did he explain the entire detail process, he sent multiple updates as he worked on the car. He even showed me how to properly care for the Shelby (Recommended products and showed me how to use them).

Kyle is detail orientated and is really passionate about what he does. When I picked up the Shelby it was immaculate. I know my dad would be so proud 🥲 
Thank you Kyle!


Stone Creek

I just want to give a major shout out to Next Door for introducing me to Nicks Dragon Detail. Everyone was raving about how amazing he was and now I see why! I visited Kyle’s website and emailed him and got a response almost immediately. I was able to make an appointment and met up with Kyle Saturday morning. He was kind enough to drop me back home and spent literally the entire day working on my car. I picked it up today with my husband and was completely blown away by what an amazing job he did. It was stunning inside and out. Kyle absolutely went above and beyond my expectations and you can tell this is his passion. He uses all green materials, knows his stuff down to the molecular science of his products, and I was absolutely impressed. My husband had questions about his car and Kyle took the time to follow up back home, examine the car and give us his honest opinion about treatments. Such an honest person who is full of knowledge of what works and what doesn’t. Not only is he meticulous in his craft, he has a heart of gold. I will absolutely be referring all my friends and family to him and he’s got a customer for life. Thank you so much to Kyle at Nicks Dragon Detail!!!!

Christine Tran


If you want your car & your day made sparkling, call Kyle of Nick’s Dragon Detailing here in Mather: 916-717-8960. Info at https://nicksdragondetail.com. Kyle turned out to be a true perfectionist, an expert’s expert on detailing, and a big hearted, compassionate true gentleman. I am grateful for my brand new looking car & for having gotten to spend some time with a great person.

Billie B


I had yet another great experience with Kyle for my Tesla. Kyle also recommended me to another business for tinting and protection film products, and made appointment for me with them. Additionally, I personally appreciated the immense wealth of knowledge Kyle has, and the stories. He’ll take all the time you need to explain you the products and process before and after the service, so you’re fully aware of what to expect. Kyle also shows you how to take care of your vehicle post service. Kyle is always available to answer any questions you may have. I sincerely appreciate the treatment I have gotten, almost white glove service. I even got the pickup, dropp off as well since we’re only less than 10 mins away. Kyle is an amazing neighbor, friend and car detailer you can ask for. I highly recommend Nick’s Dragon Detail services.



I saw this post last week and decided to give him a try. We called and he got us in within a couple of days. We are absolutely astonished by the job he did and wish we had a before and after pic. He literally brought our truck back from the dead, which we figured was beyond repair. He was super nice, professional, gave us a great price and went well above and beyond. Don’t hesitate to call Kyle if you are look for a true car detail. Our price was $420, which we happily paid with a nice tip. Anyone else would have charged well over that (yes it was that bad 🙈). I know it doesn’t make sense, but ever since he detailed it, it’s been a real joy driving it and I swear it runs better. We will be coming back soon and have already referred friends and family. And being that you’re a cool down to earth guy was an added plus in our book!!!

Alicia Ganapathi

Stone Creek

Auto Detail
WOWZERS!! Want a new car without the new car price? Get your vehicle detailed by Kyle Marx!!! We are blown away by the amazing transformation!! Yes!!! He’s precise, meticulous, detail oriented!! Hard working and a really nice guy!!

Jodi Coltes Warfield


You were everything people are raving about. You did a fantastic job on my 2006 Ram 2500.
I couldn’t have asked for a better job. I traded it for a new truck and will be bringing the 3500 in for the ceramic finish very soon. Thanks for all your great work. You do know your paint and finishes.


Car and truck detailing. I’ve posted about Kyle Marx at Nick’s Dragon Detailing in Mather and what a great job he’s done on 3 of our vehicles (2 cars and a truck). He just completed the detail work on my son’s Honda Ridgeline. Had to share this photo of his text to us after he picked up his truck from Kyle. If you aren’t able to see it, from the mouth of a 21-yr old…

“Holy hell that man does an insanely good job. Amazing how clean.”

So, if you want an insanely good job done to your car or truck, Kyle’s the man!



PHENOMENAL results! Yet another happy customer …
Thanks to car detailer KYLE MARX, my 14 y/o 4runner looks brand new (inside & out). Water spots are gone, the beautiful shine is back and the ceramic coating makes for easy maintenance. I found Kyle through Nextdoor–every review (there are many) includes over-the-top GLOWING comments which all turned out to be spot on. Kyle is passionate and enthusiastic about his trade, you will not find a more thorough and meticulous detailer who knows which products to use for each situation. Kyle’s customer service can’t be beat, he promptly responds to calls/texts and provides detailed progress updates during the detailing process. The fact that he is located in Mather is super convenient. We have also scheduled for Kyle to detail our Chevy Silverado. Call Kyle, he works tirelessly to ensure your car looks better than it ever has.


Stone Creek

Looking for a detailer? I just picked up my 6+ year old car from Kyle at Nick’s Dragon Detailing and wow is she shiny! He was able to restore her shine and sparkle and I’m beyond happy. He had to work hard to get out water spots and dirt and wow, it’s night and day difference! He is kind, passionate and knowledgeable. His prices are unbeatable. Highly highly recommend and would give him 5 stars if Nextdoor had a star system! Contact Kyle at 916-717-8960 and check out his website. You will NOT be disappointed.

My family and I just had our vehicles detailed by Kyle at Nick’s Dragon Detailing in Mather. Kyle did an exceptional job with my F-150. My truck sparkles and shines like when it was new, thoroughly cleaned inside and out (and under the hood), oxidized black plastic is dark again (see comparison photo of side rail), even smells new. His methods are highly effective, and he really knows his stuff. Also Kyle’s just a really nice guy and easy to talk to. He was really friendly with our kids as we dropped off/picked up vehicles. I’ll be going back in the spring to get the ceramic coating. 

I noticed a mist hitting my windshield, like when someone in front of you is cleaning their windshield, but smearing when I used my wipers. Once I pulled up behind the truck at a stoplight, I could see a liquid leaking out of the bottom of the container and realized I had some type of animal grease covering the front of my truck! Pretty disgusting… Afterwards I went through a car wash, and also tried cleaning it by hand, as it seemed to really stick to my windshield and chrome, but I barely made a dent. Then I decided to call up Kyle at Nicks Dragon Detail in Mather! My family and I have gone to him for our vehicle detailing a few times last year, and they came away looking spectacular. I messaged him, and he messaged me back pretty quickly, saying to come on by and he’d look at it on his break. I pulled up and he started pulling out his cleaners, and in next to no time he’d removed all traces of the grease (and bugs). Such a nice and knowledgeable guy, asked after my family & kids, chatted while we let the foam do its work. Really enjoyable and gives good advice on your vehicle care. He definitely has our business for as long as we’re in the area.

Dave Barnard

Kavala Ranch

Excellent service. He did detailing for our mini van. It was sparkling new after his work.

Raj Venugopalan


Just got my truck back from Nicks dragon detail! I’m a hard working man that neglected to clean my truck. It’s now insanely clean from the inside out! Last time it looked this good is when I drove it off the lot. Thanks Kyle!

Brandon Vaudrin


Any doubts on Value or Quality…. You can be assured you won’t have any with Nick’s Dragon Detailing….. have never seen such level of quality with any other Car detailing…Give Kyle a call you won’t be disappointed… to top it off… he is one of the nicest person around… hard to find that nowadays

Joseph Tholath


Amazing Car detail specialist
Hi neighbors! In case you didn’t know we have our very own car detail specialist here in Mather. Sweetheart of a neighbor, meticulous in his craft, and prices cannot be beat for services received! I can’t stop staring at how beautiful my Tesla looked after he completed his services. I had years of hard water spots from sprinklers and kids and granddaughter gunk inside. You bring to him in Mather. Depending on what you choose it make take a couple of days. He did an 8 year coating on mine so it had to cure overnight (I forgot the correct lingo 😬). Two other detailers quoted me $1600-$1800 detail and I spent less then half of that with Nicks Dragon Detail. I did the purple dragon package $750 (see above) as it included everything. I even backed into my garage and he was able to buff it out! Saved an insurance claim!! Give him a call and go into summer with a beautiful car! Mine looks and smells brand new!

Sheila Caceres


Car Detail
You exceeded my expectations and did an amazing job on my car inside and out. It’s clear that you take pride in your work and love what you do. I’m recommending you to my friends and family and look forward to taking my car back to you. Thank you again and wish you much success.

Vanessa Carreon


Car and truck detail. We are getting ready to trade in our car and wanted to get it detailed to get top dollar. We found Kyle Marx on next-door with high recommendations. We contacted Kyle and he promptly replied. We brought our car over to him, he gave us an estimate and a date. We delivered our vehicle on the date and the next day it was ready. My wife and I were AMAZED with the quality of Kyle’s work. Car detailing is a passion for him and it shows in his work. Plus, he’s a super nice guy. The car looked like a brand new car!!! If you need a quality detail job, give Kyle a call or text. He does everything. Inside, outside, headlights, scratches…simply amazing work!

Val Oushakoff


I just picked up my 6+ year old car from Kyle at Nick’s Dragon Detailing and wow is she shiny! He was able to restore her shine and sparkle and I’m beyond happy. He had to work hard to get out water spots and dirt and wow, it’s night and day difference! He is kind, passionate and knowledgeable. His prices are unbeatable. Highly highly recommend and would give him 5 stars if Nextdoor had a star system! Contact Kyle at 916-717-8960 and check out his website. You will NOT be disappointed.

Lysa Davis

Stone Creek

I had my car fully detailed by Kyle and I am just so thrilled!! I love my car again and it looks wonderful!! Thank you so much Kyle!!

Melissa Reese


My husband was going to take my 2016 Hyundai Genesis for a full detail in Sacramento when I was referred to Kyle at Nick’s Dragon Detail. Big Smile Kyle! You can tell the moment you meet him that he loves to work on car paint, he is really into it and has All The Tools!  We have had this car detailed each year but this interior detail was better than ANYTHING I have had done at any price. Amazing attention to detail. We have never done a ceramic coating because they are so expensive but compared to the cost of a ceramic coating anywhere else, Nick’s Dragon Purple was worth it. I still cannot believe how the paint feels like silk to the touch. We are 100% sold on ceramic coatings from Kyle at Nick’s Dragon Detail. My husband plans to bring his BMW for a coating later this year.

Michelle Crowdery


Nicks Dragon Detail is awesome and local. He just detailed my 2018 Santa Fe and it turned out beautifully! He even got slime out of my seats and chalk out of my paint!


Sunridge Park

Kyle is by far the best detailer I have ever seen! i bought a 2020 Tesla Model 3 and it was shipped to me from Texas. The black paint was so scratched everywhere. I was disappointed when I received it. Kyle made my Tesla look better than brand new. The shiny mirror glossy look of my paint now is flawless, and I am OCD. So, I would give him a 15 out of 5 stars!  Then we brought our second car to Kyle at Nicks Dragon Detail, he made my Jeep look brand new. He detailed the outside, inside, even cleaned out under the hood and tire storage. If you are OCD like me, he is your guy to detail your car! Thank you so much for making my Jeep so clean Nicks Dragon Detail.

Charlette Brannon


Kyle is a gem. Professional, prompt business and a man that’s learned his craft. Uses the best products and adheres to his turnaround time.

Kristopher Ross


I can’t recommend Nicks Dragon Detail enough. He did our 2020 Palisade with a full interior detail and exterior 5 year ceramic coating and it actually looks better then new. Amazing. Highly recommend.

Todd Wheeler


I was blown away at how amazing it looked when I came to pick it up. It honestly looks better than the day I purchased it. My expectations were exceeded. His attention to detail is insane. Kyle is beyond knowledgeable in the process, the products etc. and was able to explain and teach me so much about caring for my car. He’s truly a master at his craft! And to top it all off he’s seriously one of the nicest people I have ever met. Thank you so much Kyle!!

Emily Nielsen

Kavala Ranch


4 + 13 =

(916) 717-8960

4349 Grafton Circle, Mather, CA 95655

We only accept Mastercard, VISA, Cash or Check.